Dream journal
I met Elon Musk but he was a 30-year-old twink and he was wearing twenty one pilots merch. I complimented him on it but people in the area started attacking me for complimenting "the man who is literally going to end the world" and saying I worship billionaires. He also had a neocities site open on his phone and I told him I have a site on there. He seemed to be genuinely happy to hear it which feels out of character for him.
My parents got a second dog and my mom named it roofie. I said like the date rape drug? She said yes because it's just a fact that every one of us will get date raped at least once in our lives so we shouldn't try to forget it. I thought how am I gonna tell people online that our new dog is named this. I also fully believed her so I started worrying about the day I will inevitably get roofied.
Then we saw a grizzly bear outside about 15 feet from the house. My sister instantly went outside and stood right next to it for some reason. It clawed her in the shoulder and she started bleeding. I helped her get back inside but the bear was chasing us and it pried the door open before I could close it fully. (bears getting into the house in this way is a recurring theme in my dreams) Once the bear was inside I ran back outside to escape. Mica and Roofie ran outside too. I think I abandoned my sister inside. I don't know what my mom was doing during this. The bear jumped out a closed window and completely shattered it. I started flying up into the sky to escape, but the bear could also fly so it kept chasing me. The dogs could fly too. The bear caught up to me and started killing me as usually happens at the end of my bear dreams.
I was at college and I was moving some stuff into my room. An RA was pressuring us to play monopoly so I was planning to do that. My friend Lian said that she was gonna go do "Christmas" which is code at my college for smoking weed. I was conflicted because I would have gone with her but I felt a responsibility to do monopoly. I went back out to my car and I asked my sister to help me bring in more stuff. She said my car was gone and I didn't believe her but I got out there and it actually was. Someone stole it i guess. My sister said she saw it parked in an alleyway but she was clearly lying because it wasn't there. She was acting suspicious like she had something to do with the theft.
We saw a few kids in the alley who were speaking Japanese and my sister threw a chair at them for some reason. One of them got knocked over and I wanted to ask them if they were ok which is luckily one of the few things I know how to say in Japanese. They then thought that I spoke Japanese and tried to talk to me but I didn't understand them. I was super upset about my car being stolen so I fell down on the ground and started screaming but I couldn't scream very loud as often happens in dreams.
I got a microsoft themed tattoo from bill gates himself but he was like 30 years old and acted like he was a stoner or something. Partway through I started regretting it but my sister told me that microsoft was going to be in the next sonic movie and then I felt better about it.
I had become a flagger again and I was working with my old coworker Ed who is actually from my bus detailing job but in my dream he was a flagger. For some reason I lived in his house with him but like it wasn't weird. He is not at all a creep in real life and he was extremely well-characterized in the dream. We drove to our first day of flagging in his car and it was kind of dangerous road conditions. Ed was driving on the shoulder of the road instead of in the lane and I told him to stop. He kept almost hitting those reflective marker things by the side of the road. We got to a place where police were stopping traffic and they told us to go through since we were the flaggers. We got to the area where we were working. I was not dressed appropriately at all I was not wearing shoes and it was cold but I only had a hoodie and my rain jacket. I thought the site was closer to Ed's house so I could go get my stuff if I was cold. I also didn't have any of my gear like my radio or paddle. But Ed said all the stuff would be provided for us.
We found a school and we went inside it and found some vagrants camping in it. It was a father and son. Ed had temporarily turned into my associate Bailey who is kind of an asshole. He pointed to the people camping and started walking away like he thought I would know what to do. My best guess was that he wanted me to kick them out since he hates homeless people. I questioned him and he said obviously he wanted me to take their sleeping bags so we could also camp here. I said no that's fucked up. The son offered me his sleeping bag but I said we would find some elsewhere in the school. The son looked just like a kid who also worked at the bus company with his father. But the father in the dream looked like some kind of movie star with “rugged good looks.”
We started looking for sleeping bags. Bailey had turned back into Ed and he said the reason he wanted to camp here was so we wouldn't have to drive all the way home at the end of the day. It was only a 20 minute drive which I pointed out. He said since the road conditions were dangerous we would be risking our lives. It was true that my life felt in danger on the way there but it was mostly because of Ed's bad driving. I said ok that sounds reasonable. The two other people were helping us look for sleeping bags. We were not finding any so far. The father said I could always share one with him winky face. I said if worst comes to worst yeah and I was actually considering it. I did not think he was being creepy I just figured he wanted to look out for me because he was a father or a good person. But then he tried to flirt with me 2 more times including asking for a kiss. I realized he was being creepy and I went away from him.
I was saying to Ed maybe we could drive back home tonight (it was the end of the day we spent all day looking for sleeping bags instead of working) get our sleeping bags from the house and then sleep here starting tomorrow. He said we could do that and that we could do different combinations of where we were sleeping like he could sleep at the house and I could sleep at the school and vice versa. It seemed like a nonsensical idea to me but it seems like something Ed would actually say. I said I was definitely not sleeping alone at the school because of the father and also it was just scary there at night for normal reasons. I mentioned that the son seemed nice though.
Me and my husband and baby just moved to a new cave system and my husband was very scared of it. He thought it had bad vibes. I asked a woman who lived there if there was anything evil in this cave because my baby was scared of it. I didn't want to embarrass my husband by telling people he was scared. The woman asked in an ominous tone if my baby had been around “a toddler or an excited toddler.” I had no idea what she was talking about but it seemed to be related to the skinwalkers that lived among us in the caves. My baby was in a stroller next to the woman's dog who was also in a stroller. The woman thought my baby was scared because her dog was a skinwalker in disguise and she immediately took her dog away to kill it. I told her I was lying and it was actually my husband who was scared so she didn't need to kill her dog. She let the dog go and didn't kill it. She got super mad at me for lying to her and I said she could kill me if she wanted. She started stabbing me and killing me with no hesitation.
I was in Josh Dun’s basement and he was going to do some kind of medical procedure on my feet. He came down the stairs and I said hi to him. He had a big hammer and it seemed like that was his only medical instrument. I said hmm are you sure you're qualified to do this? He did not answer. He started reading the patches on my jacket out loud and it distracted him from starting the foot procedure.
Later on he was showing me pictures on his laptop that were clues about the lore of the next twenty one pilots album. The album was going to be called “Douglas.” I was not able to deduce anything at all from the pictures. Josh said most of the fans that had seen the pictures got it right away. Tyler also came down into the basement. I was worried they both thought I was stupid or something.
I saw an image online that had Tommy, Gordon, and Dr. Coomer from hlvrai in that order from left to right and it was labeled "what it's like to age." I thought this was very deep and relavent to my life. I will break down my interpretation of it from the dream.
Tommy represents inexperience and lack of confidence. He is rigid in his thinking and only does what he reads in books, which leaves him unprepared for many situations. He is worried a lot of the time, but he indulges in fun genuinely and without self-consciousness.
Gordon represents trying to keep a level head in the midst of stress and overwhelm, as well as feeling the need to act mature. He is the straight man who doesn't have time for silly behavior. He is competent, but becomes stressed easily when he encounters things outside the realm of his understanding. In the dream, I felt that I was at an early stage of the gordon phase of aging.
Dr. Coomer represents wisdom and joy. He is very upbeat, probably because he knows it will all be ok in the end. His attitude is enthusiastic and confident. When I realized I would become like him when I got older I felt very reasured. It changed my whole perspective about getting old, and I think it will have a lasting impact on me.